PM Competency Model Development

PM Competency Model Development

Why is a competency model important? First, it provides your program and project managers with a clear career path and what they need to accomplish or master to reach the next level within the organization. Secondly, it provides a framework for developing a program and project management training curriculum. 

A competency model specific to the organization's desired career path allows the PMs and their supervisors or managers to know what training they should take at different career stages. The primary competency model used by M2 contains both core and professional competencies. The core competencies apply to every individual in the organization, whereas the professional competencies refer to those specific to a particular discipline. In other words, for a project manager, a professional competency may be based on one or all of the nine knowledge areas identified in PMI's Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®). These knowledge areas are Integration Management, Scope Management, Time Management, Cost Management, Quality Management, Human Resource Management, Communications Management, Risk Management, and Procurement Management. Once a competency model is developed, the training organization can use it to develop and refine the training curriculum. 

To find out how the M2 Consulting Group, Ltd. can help your organization develop a PM Competency Model, please fill out the form under the
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